To share datasets and dashboards with users within your organizations, the Primary Account holder (and others granted the necessary permission) creates IntelliBoard Users (IB Users) who each have an Organizational Role. An Organizational Role is a template of datasets and permissions, which can be granted to several IB Users. An IB User is a credentialed account within IntelliBoard; this credentialed account can have specific data assignments to only see certain datasets.
Before you get started...
You have to set up two components: 1) Organizational Role and 2) IB User.
You must create an Organizational Role BEFORE creating an IB User.
- An IB User is a credentialled account leveraging a unique email address.
What is my first step implementing IB users?
First, identify your "Dataset Creators" and IntelliBoard champions. Leverage IntelliBoard's default 'All Access' role to create IB Users for your initial implementation team. These are the people who will help manage, create, and implement IntelliBoard at your institution.
After this team has access to IntelliBoard, determine the first project for implementation. Identify who will use particular datasets to take action. After creating their datasets, you can release those particular datasets through the Organizational Role to the IB Users. See below for additional details on both Org Roles and IB Users.
Want assistance or consultative services? Contact your Account Manager for additional support.
Who sets up the first Org Roles and IB users?
The IntelliBoard subscription is by organization, and starts with the Primary Account Holder. This Primary Account Holder can be a single person or a generic email for a team approach. The Primary Account Holder can edit or leverage IntelliBoard's default Organizational Roles to create an the initital team of IntelliBoard administrators.
What is an Organizational Role?
An Organizational Role is a template of datasets and account permissions designed for a specific type of group/role of people within an organization. An Organizational Role is then assigned to an IB User (credentialed account for an individual person).
Examples of Organizational Roles may include, but are not limited to: 1) Instructor Organizational Role; 2) Learner Organizational Role; 3) Course Admin Organizational role, 4) All Access Organizational Role.
What is an IB User?
An IB User is a credentialed account for an individual person to access An email address serves as the unique identifier for credentialing purposes. An IB User account must first be assigned an Organizational Role, and then data assignments may be applied to the IB User account to limit which datasets an IB user can see.
For example, Sarah Smith is a District Manager who needs completion datasets. Her Organizational Role is District Manager, this is assigned to her IB User,
Can I narrow account permissions and data assignments for IB users?
Yes! Organizational Roles and IB Users can be narrowed to allow certain account permissions, certain datasets, and certain data assignments.
For example, a "Instructor" Organizational Role may have access to create and send Notifications, leverage InContact, but may not have the ability to edit or publish new reports. Narrowed through the IB User, the Instructor can only see the courses taught by that individual Instructor.
How do IB Users access IntelliBoard?
IB Users may access IntelliBoard by logging on directly to IntelliBoard, and after initial set up, through an SSO and/or an LTI from within your LMS.
Is there a limit to Org Roles or IB Users in my subscription?
No, there is no limit to Org Roles or IB users in your subscription. IntelliBoard seeks to be a tool for everyone in your organization - from executive leadership to learners.
Do Instructors have to have an IB User account? Learners?
While Instructors and Learners may have IB Users, you can also enable an Instructor or Learner LTI where one Organizational Role is applied to any user in the LMS who has a course-level instructor or learner role. This allows all instructors or all learners to have a smiliar dashboard, where the data reflects their courses.
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