Getting IntelliCart Plugin & Installation

Your purchases are waiting... install the IntelliCart Plugin today!

Click HERE for watching all IntelliCart implementation process.

Before you get started... 

  • You MUST have an IntelliBoard account and successful IntelliBoard connection.
  • You have to be signed-in as a user with full admin rights during the connection process.
  • You should have a license API key and 5 plugins downloaded in ZIP format (provided by the Account Executive after your payment)
    Note for Mac Users: When files download, they are typically automatically unzipped.  Please compress the IntelliBoard file before uploading it.


Step 1 - Installation

mceclip0.png From your LMS system go to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

Add the downloaded "" file.

Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".

mceclip13.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip9.png Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".
mceclip10.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip14.png Scroll down to New settings - General and make sure IntelliCart is enabled.

Scroll down to New settings - License, add your email address and API key that Account Executive provided you.

Click on "Save changes".


When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins, click on "Choose File".

Choose the downloaded "" file.

Click on "Upload this file".


Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".


Click on "Continue", and then click on "Save changes" in the bottom.


When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

Add the downloaded "" file.

Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".

 mceclip17.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip18.png Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".
mceclip19.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip20.png Scroll down and click on "Save changes".

When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

Add the downloaded "" file.

Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".

mceclip22.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip23.png Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".
mceclip24.png Click on "Continue".

When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

Add the downloaded "" file.

Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".

NOTE: This plugin is optional.  It provides IntelliCart Session details on the Course level pages.

mceclip2.png Click on "Continue".
mceclip3.png Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".
mceclip4.png Click on "Continue".

Step 2 - Setting Up


Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Blocks > Manage Blocks.

Make sure "Products Catalog" is enabled.


Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Enrollments > Manage enrol plugins.

Make sure "IntelliCart enrollments" is enabled.


Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > IntelliCart > License.

Double check to see if your license saved.

NOTE: Click on "Save changes" for being sure.


Go to Site Administration > Appearance > Default Dashboard page.

Click on "Blocks editing on" button in the top right corner.

Click on "Add a block" in the nav menu and select "Products Catalog".

mceclip31.png On the appeared block click on the arrow and select "Configure Available Products block".

From the "Default region" drop-down select "content" option.

From the "Region" drop-down select "content" option.

Click on "Save changes".


Click on "Reset Dashboard for all users" button in the top right corner.

Then click on "Blocks editing off" button.

Great, you finished the connection! Now let's create a category for your future products!


For additional assistance, please email or click HERE.

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