Please find the overview of vendor and seats settings in the Vendors block below.
NOTE: IntelliCart Settings can be found under IntelliCart > Settings tab, OR under Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > IntelliCart.
1. Enable Vendors
Enable this box to add the ability to manipulate vendors in your LMS system. This will add the Vendors tab to the IntelliCart, Vendor Performance report to the Reports tab, ability to assign vendors to items, etc.
2. Enable filtering products by Vendors
If this option is enabled filtering by vendors will be applied on Product Catalog. Users from vendors will see products from their vendors.
Additionally, users will see "general products", products that are not assigned to any vendor.
3. Enable Vendors Filter with empty values
Enable this box so that managers from vendors will see only products assigned to their vendor.
4. Enable Vendors Filter with empty values on catalog
This option is related to option #2. If both are enabled users will see only products from their vendors. Users will not see "general products".
5. Enable Vendors Filter including Manager User
Enable this box so that Vendor Managers will see an IntelliCart activity of their users as well as their own. I.e., by default Vendor Managers only see activity of users from their Vendor, but enabling this setting will add records about manager's activity, too.
6. Vendors Types Options
Add custom vendor types that will replace default ones (Corp, K12, Highered), so that you'll be able to select the best vendor type during creating/editing.
7. Enable Seats Vendors
Enable this box to add Seats tab to the Sales and to the Learner Dashboard, so when users buy product seats, they will be displayed on this page. This setting also enable Max seats number per one user setting on the product editing page.
8. Enable Seats Expiration
Enable this box to hide the Key column from Sales > Seats tab, and add an ability to edit seats expiration date, so that when this date comes, user's seats and course enrollments become suspended, and they will need to by more seats to keep the enrollment.
9. Buy Seats By Key
NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with filled Min number of seats to buy setting with a value more than 1 on product editing page.
Enable this box to add an ability for users to enroll to seats by entering seat key first. This will change an Add to cart button for product in Products Catalog to Apply seats key. User will need to have a seat key to be able to add product to the cart. Click HERE to see how to assign purchased seat when need to apply key first.
10. Enable time on seats expiration
Enable this box to add an ability to set up the seats expiration time in addition to the seats expiration date.
11. Enable Seats Enrollment
Enable this box to add the ability for admins and managers to manually enroll users to seats under Sales > Seats > [Details for seats purchasing].
NOTE: Vendor Managers could manually enroll only users from their vendor.
12. Clean Seat after Unenrollment
Enable this box so that purchased seat will become available for the another user enrollment. I.e., by default when the user unenrolls from the product seat, this seat is still marked as taken, because it was already assigned one time. But enabling this feature makes a seat as empty, so that another user could be enrolled to this one.
13. Enable managing Users
Enable this box to add an ability to manage user of your LMS system from the IntelliCart. Click HERE to read more.
14. Assign Simple Users as Managers
Enable this box to add the ability to assign any user from the LMS system as a Vendor Manager.
NOTE: User without any system role, who was assigned as a Vendor Manager, will be automatically assigned as a Manager system role.
15. Display only assigned users in managers list
When enabled, after assigning a user to the vendor, he/she appears in the dropdown list when assigning managers to vendor. Imported users from csv file to the vendor (using profile fields), when successfully imported are displayed in the list when assigning managers to the vendor.
Note: When there aren’t any users assigned to the vendor, the only user in the dropdown list is the admin.
16. Manager Roles
Select role(s) so that only users who have the role mentioned here at least in one course can be assigned as a manager for the vendor.
17. Enable user profile link
Enable this box so that user names will become links to their profile pages on the Managing Users page and on product enrollments, certification, vendor mangers and users assignation pages.
18. Mapping block
Settings list:
- Enable users updates tracking
- Update vendors fields in user profile
- Vendor Role Mapping
- Enable Importing Vendors
- Vendor Name Mapping
- Vendor ID Number Mapping
- Vendor Type Mapping
- Vendor Email Mapping
- Vendor Company Mapping
- Vendor URL Mapping
- Vendor Address Mapping
- Enable Vendors Type sync
- Enable Manager User Field sync
If users in your LMS system are taken/updated from some outside database, these settings help an IntelliCart to synchronize them. Contact for additional support with configuring these settings.
19. Enable Vendors Course Groups
Enable this column so that user will be added to course group(s) name same as user vendor(s) name when he paid or free enrolled into products.
I.e., user from "Art College" vendor purchased a product to be enrolled into Course A. He'll be enrolled into that course in "Art College" group.
20. Add Username column to manage Users table (Vendors tab)
When enabled, the column Username is displayed in the tab Managing Users.
21. Assign user only to one vendor
Enable this box so that users can only be assigned to one vendor. Upon assignment, in user dropdown only those users that are not assigned to any vendor are displayed.
22. Allow a vendor manager to assign any course to the product
If enabled, vendor managers can see all courses available in the system when assigning them to products (if enabled in the Vendors Block); IntelliCart keeps filtering products by vendor, so managers can still only see their vendors data.
23. Managers from same vendor can upload seats each other
Enable this box so that managers from same vendors can upload seats for orders made by each other.
NOTE: This works for seats importing described HERE.
For additional assistance, please email or click HERE.