Seats can be used to set up the number of places in the product and courses in it, so that only limited number of users could by the selected product. E.g., this could be used if you want only 30 people to be enrolled into the course within some product. Find instructions for setting up the product with seats below.
Before you get started...
- You MUST have an IntelliBoard account.
- You have to be signed-in as a user with full admin rights.
- You should set up an IntelliCart LTI connection.
You may be interested in these articles...
- Products - Overview.
- Product Expiration (seats) settings.
- Enabling seats (point 1).
- Seats purchasing and assignation.
- Seats assignation.
- Waitlist - Overview.
Step 1: Create an IntelliCart Product
- Choose IntelliCart open the Administration.
- From Administration click on Products.
- In the top right corner of the tab, click on Create New.
Step 2: Write Your Product
- Fill the main product information with required values. Read HERE descriptions for all product settings.
- Under Product Seats settings block enable seats and put a value to Seats Limit for limiting the number of product places. If only this setting is set up, users will be available to purchase only 1 seat for themselves as a regular product.
- Enable buying seats and put a value to Max seats number per one user field for limiting the number of product places that could be bought by 1 user. If this setting is enabled in addition to Seats Limit above, users will be available to purchase seats for other users and the number of seats allowed for purchasing per user will be limited.
NOTE: Enable buying seats setting will become available only when Enable Seats Vendors IntelliCart configuration is on.
NOTE: Read description for all these fields HERE (under Product Seats settings block).
Option 1: For regular users
- Product can be purchased as a regular one by clicking Add to Cart button, and then checkout (you'll be automatically enrolled into product courses after purchasing).
- The number of available seats will be shown on product description page.
- If the number of available seats has been purchased, user will be able to add the product to the Waitlist to get a notification when new seats become available.
Option 2: For admins and vendor managers
- Product seats can be purchased for other users by entering the number of required seats, added them to the cart by clicking the Cart icon, and then checkout (you won't be enrolled into product courses after purchasing, but you'll be able to enroll users to seats (you could enroll yourself if you wish, too)). After purchasing, you will be able to review and assign seats that were bought on IntelliCart > Sales > Seats page. More about seats assignation HERE.
- The number of available seats will be shown on product description page.
- If the number of available seats has been purchased, user will be able to add the product to the Waitlist to get a notification when new seats become available.
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