Invoices is a list under Sales tab that shows all invoices for product purchasing that were done in the IntelliCart. Seats assignment is also shown in this report, but the balance will be zero for them. This differs from All Sales report by the ability to review and download the order as a PDF file and approve or reject user invoice orders.
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1) Status filter - Filter orders by their status (Completed, Pending, Rejected, Suspended, In cart, Waiting for payment, Deleted, Refunded, Refunded Partial, Expired).
2) Billing Type filter - Filter invoices by the billing type customers selected when purchasing.
3) Date filter - Filter invoices by the date when the order was issued.
4) Search - Search invoices by order ID number, customer name, or product name.
5) Invoice # - The ID number of the invoice in IntelliCart.
6) Customer - User's First and Last Name as entered in the LMS system who bought a product.
7) Products - Product Name(s) as entered that was bought by user.
8) Date Issued - Date when the order was issued by user.
9) Balance - The actual amount user has to pay/paid for the order (including all taxes, discounts and coupons).
10) Status - Current status of the order.
11) Payment Type - Payment method user used for purchasing.
12) Billing Type - Product billing type that was selected for purchasing.
13) Print - Open an invoice as the PDF document.
14) Mail - Send the invoice to the customer again if needed.
15) Edit - Edit user's order prior to approval/rejection (remove products from the order if needed).
NOTE: This is available only when Edit Pending Invoices setting is enabled.
16) Approve - Click on this to approve user's invoice order.
17) Reject - Click on this to reject user's invoice order.
18) Export - Select the file format (CSV / Excel) to download the Invoices list.
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