InContact Overview



1. Course Filter

Select the specific courses to appear in InContact, able to select up to 10 courses. Ability to favorite courses! HERE to learn more!

2. Communication Filter

Filter existing communication by types such as email, web call and phone.

3. Behavior

Filter existing communication by students' behavior type such as disengaged, disruptive and lacked focus. 

4. Multi-Select

Create a communication log for multiple students at once. HERE to learn more!

5. Upload Contact CSV

Import students' contact information such as email, phone number and parent's phone number by uploading a CSV file. HERE to learn more!

6. + Stored Log** 

Create a Communication for students who have not yet shown up inside of InContact using their SIS ID and course. 

7. Date Filter

Filter existing communication logs by setting the date range you wish to view. 

8. Search Box

Use the search box to find a specific student in the list.

9. InContact Different Views

-List: Shows all the communication logs.  

-Calendar: Display all communication logs in calendar format.

-Stored Logs**: Shows all created stored logs.

10. Create a log for Student

Create a communication log for the individual student. HERE to learn more!

11. View Student's Information

View individual student's information such as SIS ID, email and contact number.

12. Input Additional Information

Enable you to input other information of the student such as parent's contacts, alternative email or extra curriculum activities. HERE to learn more!

13. Students per Page

Number of students to be displayed in each page.

14. Pagination

Click Previous/Next to navigate the pages. 


**NOTE: Feature ONLY for users who are on Canvas LMS


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