Course Content Utilization

The Course Content Utilization report displays the duration of time users spend on specific course content/events/activities.


Location: Library> Reports


  • Search for data in your report instantly. Confirm columns are included in the search under 'Search Data Columns'.
  • Filter your data and/or dates!  Most reports include several filters (to the right of the search box) and a time filter. 
  • Personalize the columns in your report by clicking 'Columns'. 
  • Share your data via email or scheduled report.
  • Export your data in an XLS, CSV.
  • Edit columns, calculations, formulas, and formatting by clicking 'Edit'.
  • More questions? Check out the IntelliBoard Success Bar! HERE to learn more.



  • Course Name: Select the specific course to appear on the report (i.e. Selecting "Accounting" will only show the user's activity in this course)
  • Role Name: Select the role in Moodle to appear in the report (i.e. Selecting "Mentor" will only show the users who have the Mentor role)
  • Activity Type Name: Select the specific activity type to appear on the report (i.e. Selecting "Quiz" will only show the user's activity in this activity)


User Name: The username created as entered in the LMS system

Full Name: User First Name and Last Name, as entered in the LMS system

Email: User's Email, as entered in the LMS system

Course Name: Course name associated with learner in LMS system

Activity Type: Type of Content/Activity

Activity: The names of the activities in the LMS system

Activity Creation Date: The date when the activity was created

Visits: The number of clicks (mouse clicks) made by the user in the specific activity

Time Spent: The amount of time the learner has spent in this activity

First Access: The date when a user accessed the activity for the first time

Last Access: The date when a user accessed the activity as the last time

Browser: Web Browser used to access the particular Activity

Operating System: The user's Operating System used to access the particular Activity

IP: User's IP address he/she accessed the activity



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