The Assignment Activity Details Dashboard gives an overview of learner activity within assignments. The dashboard contains a user count by submission status, submission count by grade status, and a report providing details for each learner’s status in each assignment. The table may be filtered by clicking on component of either chart.
Location: Library> Dashboards
- Activities Name: Select the specific activity to appear on the dashboard
- Activities Due At: Select a specific date or range a range to filter by Activity Due Date in the LMS system (i.e. Selecting "Last Month" will only show activities that have a due date in the last month)
- Filter your data! Most dashboards include a course filter. Individual components of the dashboard do have their own filters.
- Share your data via email.
- Edit columns, calculations, formulas, formatting by clicking 'Edit'.
- More questions? Check out the IntelliBoard Success Bar! HERE to learn more.
The User Count by Submission Status is a pie chart that displays the submission status of the assignment activity which can be filtered by activity name and activity due date as entered in the LMS.
The Submission Count by Grade Status is a bar chart that displays the grade status of the assignment activity which can be filtered by activity name and activity due date as entered in the LMS.
Horizontal: Total Submissions
Vertical: Grade Status
The Assignment Activity Detail report displays learners activity within assignment and activity related information such as due date and submission status.
- Course Name: Select the specific course to appear on the report (i.e. Selecting "Accounting" will only show user's activity in this course)
- Activity Name: Select the specific activity to appear on the report
- Submission State: Select to filter by submission state of the activity (i.e. Selecting "Graded" will only show learners who have their activity graded)
- Activity Due At: Select a specific date or range a range to filter by Activity Due Date in the LMS system (i.e. Selecting "Last Month" will only show activities that have a due date in the last month)
- Grade State: Select to filter by grade state of the activity (i.e. Selecting "Published" will only show learners who have activity grade published)
Full Name: Leaner's full name, as entered in the LMS
Activity Name: Name of activity, as entered in the LMS
Activity Due At: Due Date of the activity, as entered in the LMS
Submission State: The submission state of the activity
Submissions Submitted At: Date of activity submission
Grade State: The grading state of the activity
Grade Points: Grade that the learner achieved for the activity
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